The Continuing ZOOM Security Fails: A Litany Of Security Incompetence

via Wang Wei, writing at The Hacker News, comes the latest reports of blatant anti-customer security outragse perpetrated by Zoom. Read it and Weep... But, after you wipe away the tears, remember there are other alternatives. Our suggestion is to immediately stop using Zoom products, and move to other more verifiably secure solutions (Apple Facetime and Microsoft Skype are certainly viable and stable platforms). And, while yoou are at it... Read Brian Krebs take on another security fail at Zoom, where Zoom security flaws are the gift that keeps on giving!

"Confirmed by researcher Matthew Hickey and demonstrated by Mohamed Baset, the first attack scenario involves the SMBRelay technique that exploits the fact that Windows automatically exposes a user's login username and NTLM password hashes to a remote SMB server when attempting to connect and download a file hosted on it."

Expedition Into Vulnerability

via Dan Goodin - Security Editor at Ars Technica - comes this extraordinary piece detailing security incompetence (with both information and physical security components). Plus, a healthy dollop - if you will - of simple, homegrown stupidity in the car rental space.

'"All it took was me downloading the app and entering the VIN, then confirming connectivity through the infotainment system," Sinclair said late last week. "There MIGHT be a way to disassociate my phone from the car itself, but that hasn't happened yet, and it's crazy to put the onus on renters to have to do that. I have had no problems at all and have even unlocked the doors and started the engine when I could see that the vehicle was in the Missoula airport rental car parking lot."' - via Dan Goodin writing at Ars Technica